
My name is Mumbi Namusasi. I’m a wife, mother, and a prayer strategist for young wives.

I will teach you all my tips and strategies, that I use to pray over my marriage.

I got pregnant before marriage and within six weeks, my then boyfriend (now husband) and I broke up. I had just learned that I wasn’t the ‘main chic’.  I remember thinking, ‘God is punishing me for living in sin and I was going to suffer for the rest of my life’.

But something in me refused to give up. I wanted my child to be brought up by his father, and I wanted a loyal loving husband.

I knew I could ask God for help, but I was afraid that He was too angry to help me.

Nonetheless, I locked myself in my house and went into a three-day prayer fast where I pleaded my case to the Lord. I remember the Holy Spirit leading me to a video on Youtube by Life.church “Why Can’t I Forgive Myself? -The Grudge. He helped me repent my sins and forgive my boyfriend and myself.

On the third and final day of my prayer, as I cried to the Lord in despair, a strong feeling of reassurance filled my heart. When I opened my eyes, two doves sat on my balcony and I knew that the Lord was with me.

Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7

About a day later, my boyfriend called me and said we needed to talk. He apologized and confessed his love and commitment to me and our baby on the way. He has remained true to his promise to date.

 I learned one powerful lesson; There is Power in honest and intentional prayer.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ‭

Ephesians 6:12 NIV‬

I truly believe that most marriages struggle because couples genuinely don’t know what to do. The Bible tells us to remember God in everything we do, and He will show us the right way. (Prov 3:6) It doesn’t matter where you are as a couple. You can start praying for your marriage today and trust that God will break down walls that have held you back throughout the years.

If you are a wife who wants to pray for her husband but is finding it hard consider getting our wife prayer kit. These printables will motivate you to remember to pray and cover issues you may forget to pray for.

What you get:

  • Prayer Challenge with prayer prompts
  • Motivation to pray
  • Aesthetic prayer and affirmation cards for your bedside table
  • Easy to follow
  • Instant access

Download, print to get started

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